Category: Health & Medical

  • Unleash Your Parasympathetic Power: A Comprehensive Guide to Calming Your Nervous System

    Unleash Your Parasympathetic Power: A Comprehensive Guide to Calming Your Nervous System

    If you’ve been struggling with persistent anxiety or stress, the key to finding relief may lie in understanding and strengthening your parasympathetic nervous system. This article will delve into the science behind this powerful system and provide you with a comprehensive guide to activating its calming response, helping you reclaim your inner peace and well-being.…

  • Mastering the AAMC PREview Exam

    Mastering the AAMC PREview Exam

    As the medical field continues to evolve, the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) has introduced a new requirement for aspiring medical students: the PREview Professional Readiness Exam. This exam aims to evaluate a premed’s non-academic qualifications, such as empathy, professionalism, communication skills, and ethical decision-making abilities. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the…

  • Decreased Desire: The Major Causes of Low Sex Drive in Women

    Decreased Desire: The Major Causes of Low Sex Drive in Women

    A low sex drive is common among women, especially as they go through different life stages. While a dip in libido can stem from hormonal changes, mental and physical health conditions, and medications, the good news is that many causes of low desire are treatable. Read on to learn about the major factors that can…

  • Activate Your Body’s Stem Cells with Food to Enhance Regenerative Abilities

    Activate Your Body’s Stem Cells with Food to Enhance Regenerative Abilities

    When we were young, we learned that starfish and salamanders can regenerate but humans can’t. Well, that’s only partially true. While we can’t regrow an entire limb, our bodies do have the ability to regenerate in amazing ways. Hi, I’m Kate Pirouette, one of the producers of the Doctor’s Pharmacy podcast. We are constantly learning…

  • Lower Your Blood Sugar by 60% with This Amazing Supplement

    Lower Your Blood Sugar by 60% with This Amazing Supplement

    Only 7% of Americans met the recommended daily fiber intake in 2021, but consuming more of this nutrient can drastically lower blood sugar levels. Whether you have diabetes or want to manage blood sugar, fiber is a game-changer. This article explains how fiber works in your body, what research says about its benefits, and how…

  • The 7 Best Magnesium Supplements to Take

    The 7 Best Magnesium Supplements to Take

    Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Getting enough magnesium from your diet is crucial for maintaining good health. However, most people do not get the recommended daily allowance of magnesium from food sources alone. This is where magnesium supplements come in handy. But…

  • How to Naturally Boost Libido in Women: 8 Simple Yet Effective Ways

    How to Naturally Boost Libido in Women: 8 Simple Yet Effective Ways

    A lowered libido is a common issue that affects approximately one out of every three women. If you feel like your sex drive has decreased, you’re not alone. The good news is there are several natural ways to get your passion back and boost libido. In this article, we’ll explore the top 8 reasons why…

  • The Powerful Benefits of Maca Root: Energy, Libido & More

    The Powerful Benefits of Maca Root: Energy, Libido & More

    Maca root is an ancient superfood that has recently exploded in popularity due to its numerous health benefits. Grown in the Andes Mountains, this powerful root has been used for centuries to increase energy, libido, hormone balance, and overall vitality. In this comprehensive guide, we will dive into everything you need to know about maca…

  • Understanding Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder in Women

    Understanding Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder in Women

    Many couples face issues with mismatched libidos, where one partner has a lower sex drive than the other. For some women, a chronically low interest in sex may be caused by a condition called hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD). HSDD is characterized by an ongoing lack of sexual desire that causes distress. In this article,…

  • Discover the Amazing Health Benefits of Astragalus Root

    Discover the Amazing Health Benefits of Astragalus Root

    Astragalus membranaceus, also known as Astragalus propinquus, is an incredible herb packed with healing gifts. This powerful plant can enhance your health, especially during the cold winter months. In this article, we’ll explore astragalus benefits, uses, safety, recommended dosages, and more. We’ll also share a warming astragalus tea recipe you’re sure to love. What Is…

  • 9 Cancer Fighting Herbs Backed by Science

    9 Cancer Fighting Herbs Backed by Science

    Cancer remains one of the leading causes of death worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, cancer accounts for nearly 10 million deaths per year. While conventional cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation remain the primary treatment options, researchers have uncovered several herbs from nature that display promising anti-cancer effects. In this article, we will…

  • The Great Vape vs Cigarette Debate: Which One is Worse for Your Health?

    The Great Vape vs Cigarette Debate: Which One is Worse for Your Health?

    The debate over whether vaping or cigarette smoking is worse for your health has been raging for years. With vaping still being a relatively new technology, the long-term effects are still unknown. However, both cigarettes and vapes pose significant health risks. This article will analyze the history and health impacts of both to help you…