The #1 Vitamin Deficiency behind Bladder Issues Explained

Bladder issues can be frustrating and uncomfortable, whether it is urinary urgency, leaky bladder, incomplete urination, or frequent urination, especially at night. It’s common to turn to Google to search for answers, but the results can be overwhelming and often unhelpful.

In this article, we will explain the common thread behind most bladder issues, which is a vitamin B1 deficiency. We will explore how the nervous system, the brain, and B1 work together to control the bladder and what you can do to fix the issue.

The Nervous System and the Bladder

The bladder is a muscle that stores and releases urine. The nutrition muscle surrounds the bladder, and the nervous system controls it. The valvular system controls the release of urine and involves smooth muscle, along with the neurological supply. The brain’s periaqueductal gray matter controls urine elimination and is vulnerable to a vitamin B1 deficiency.

The B1 Deficiency Connection

Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, is essential for energy production in the body. It is involved in the production of the myelin sheath around nerves and is necessary for the production of energy, especially if it is from carbohydrates or glucose. The more carbohydrates or glucose that the body uses, the more B1 is required.

A B1 deficiency can cause problems with the nervous system, which is involved in bladder control. Diabetics are vulnerable to bladder problems because of a B1 deficiency. There is a strong link between B1 deficiency and bladder issues, whether the bladder is overworking or underworking.

The Brain’s Control Over the Bladder

B1 is involved in the production of energy in the brain. A B1 deficiency in the brain can starve off the energies of certain neurons in the brain and cause a lack of function in those brain neurons. As a result, the part of the brain that controls the bladder can shrink, and you can lose function of the entire control system. This is a common occurrence as we age, especially if someone is a diabetic, pre-diabetic, or has chronic insulin resistance.

Simple Remedies for B1 Deficiency

The good news is that correcting a B1 deficiency is relatively easy. You need to correct the deficiency with two different types of B1. One is a fat-soluble B1 called benfotiamine, and the other is a natural water-soluble regular B1. It is essential to make sure that the B1 is natural, not synthetic. Take both of these remedies for about two to three months to fix the issue.


In conclusion, a vitamin B1 deficiency is the common thread behind most bladder issues, including urinary urgency, leaky bladder, incomplete urination, or frequent urination. While other issues like prostate enlargement, prolapsed bladder, infection, or excessive water intake may also cause bladder problems, a B1 deficiency is much more common. Correcting the deficiency can be done with benfotiamine and natural water-soluble regular B1, taken for two to three months. Don’t suffer from bladder problems any longer. Fix the issue today by correcting your B1 deficiency.



